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Description : Agriculture is the applied ecology that interrelation of biological communities with environment.

City : Jorhat

Website :

Jorhat Institute of Science and Technology

Description : At Jorhat Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat, Assam, we aim to inculcate Scientific and Technological acumen in aspiring generation of scholars, engineers, researchers and technocrats by pro

City : Jorhat

Website :

Kaziranga university

Description : Founded in 2012, Kaziranga University is one of the largest private universities in North-East India. Kaziranga University has been established under the Assam Private University Act No. XII of 2007,

City : Jorhat

Website :

Assam Agricultural University

Description : The Institute thrives for human resource development to cater to the needs of the farmers and breeders and to bring about sustainable improvement in the livestock and poultry production through improv

City : Jorhat

Website :


Description : Established in the year 1976 , Monisons Drug Agency has been since serving the people of Jorhat and in and around with immense pride and honour . During the past Forty plus years we have seen our belo

City : Jorhat

Website :